After the recent awarding of housing units led by the Ministry of Human Settlements and Development (MHSD), the Housing Arm of the BARMM, in Brgy. Crossing Kapimpilan, Kadayangan, Special Geographic Area (SGA), the beneficiaries now residents of the Darussalam Village expressed their aspiration of establishing and sustaining a peaceful and self-sufficient community during the orientation on the creation of their Homeowners’ Association (HOA), facilitated by the Ministry on August 22, 2024.

Initiated by the Housing and Human Settlements Division, headed by Chief Abdulhamid C. Alawi, Jr., and assisted by the MHSD-SGA Provincial Office (PO) led by Director I Hamzah A. Salik, the activity served as venue for the 50 beneficiaries to draft a community plan and  the community’s five-year vision.

The plan’s sketches, drawn by two groups on separate manila papers, showed Islamic public schools with playground and daycare center, public water tanks, roads lined with trees, vehicles, function halls, solar-powered streetlights, health centers, fruit trees, food courts and the masjid donated by Hon. Mohammad Kelie U. Antao, Member of the Parliament.

“The initiative underscored the MHSD’s commitment to fostering informed and self-sufficient communities, through ensuring homeowners’ empowerment, and effective management of their living spaces,” said Shahara M. Pendaliday Community Support Section (CSS) Head.

“The activity highlighted the beneficiaries’ responsibilities, the significance of establishing HOAs, and the empowerment of residents in community decision-making processes to instill a sense of belonging and collective responsibility among residents with their new homes,” she added.

Abdulgaffur M. Casim, Housing and Homesite Regulations Officer (HHRO) III of the Policy Development, Coordination and Regulation Division (PDCRD), discussed the importance of a HOA, reiterating its compliance to Republic Act no. 9904, also known as the Act Providing for Magna Carta for Homeowners and HOAs.

After the presentations, the HOA members elected their officers with the presence of Hon. Duma M. Mascud, OIC-Mayor of Kadayangan, and Hon. Kaharudin Dubpaleg, the OIC-Vice Mayor.

Also from the PDCRD, Aleyah B. Pundogar, HHRO I, explained the requirements and procedure in registration of HOAs, enumerating to the residents some examples of sustainable and improved communities and homes.

Assisting in carrying out the activity from the HHSD were Normina S. Nor and Al Majid D. Dama, both Administrative Assistant V.

The MHSD-SGA PO was represented by Engr. II Abuhandis B. Kasan, Engr. II Rasul R. Dalimbang, and Abdulgani A. Ibad, Administrative Aide II.