Following his heartfelt greetings for Eid Al Adha, BARMM Chief Minister Ahod B. Ebrahim congratulated all those who organized the first-ever General Assembly of the BARMM Employees’ Association (BARMMEA) held at the Shariff Kabunsuan Cultural Complex (SKCC) in the Bangsamoro Government Center, Cotabato City on June 19, 2024.

“This organization can serve as an apparatus to ensure that moral governance is truly being followed. I hope that all employees here in BARMM are encouraged to become members of this organization,” emphasized the Chief Minister.

“The establishment of this organization is another milestone for the employees of the Bangsamoro Government because there is a need for an organization that focuses on how and what the problems or concerns of employees are that leaders do not see, and a group that focuses on implementing programs in line with moral governance,” he added.

According to him, BARMMEA plays a crucial role in promoting individual rights and collective welfare of employees while upholding the principles of moral governance and advocating for the moral, social, and economic well-being of the workforces.

Five employees of the Ministry of Human Settlements and Development, the Housing Arm of BARMM, participated in the significant activity along with other representatives from ministries, offices, and agencies of BARMM including OCM, OSM, OASM, MAFAR, MBHTE, MENRE, MFBM, MIPA, MILG, MOH, MOLE, MOST, MOTC, MPOS, MPW, MSSD, MTIT, BCPCH, BPA, BPDA, BSC, BWC, BDI, DAB, BYC, BIO, BICTO, OBC, BHRC, Office of the Wali, CSC, CSEA, OSC, BBOI, OSG, and representatives of some of the members of the parliament.

During the general assembly, Interim Officer Allan D. Calido, RN, JD, presented the constitution and by-laws of BARMMEA, which were agreed upon by the members leading to its adoption and approval by Interim President Prof. Tahir G. Nalg, MAIS.

The activity also included the first-ever election of 15 board members of the association, conducting online and paper voting for the members.

MBHTE Minister Mohagher M. Iqbal, BARMM Secretary General Prof. Raby B. Angkal, Civil Service Commission Director II Dominador E. Gonzales, Jr., Bangsamoro Youth Commission (BYC) Commissioner Nasserudin D. Dunding, and the representative of MP Suharto S. Esmael, Chief of Staff Engr. Khalid S. Esmael, also extended their messages of support and felicitations during the assembly.