The main technical and administrative employees of the Ministry of Human Settlements and Development of the BARMM are now in the process of learning more valuable insights in real estate and are to intensify strategic plans to attain more meaningful implementation of its mandates.

This is possible with the conduct of the five-day ‘Real Estate Policy Development and Management Workshop cum Review and Enhancement of Strategic Plan’ for 35 workforces of the ministry that officially started on March 16 and is held in Cagayan de Oro City.

The activity is conducted in partnership with the ‘The Asia Foundation (TAF)’ with funding support from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

Minister Atty. Hamid Aminoddin D. Barra led the team from the ministry and reminded them in his message, to always look back to the Qur’an in exercising related works as they are trustees of the Creator and to bear in mind that all developments must be constructive and never destructive.

From the TAF, Chief of Party Crisanto V. Cayon said the organization has been with the Bangsamoro government with their quest to support its political enhancement and the normalization process.

“We will work with you through the difficult levels as you continue to perform your responsibilities in the ministry for the Bangsamoro”, Cayon ensured the group.

Meanwhile, Director General (DG) Esmael W. Ebrahim emphasized the importance of planning and said real estate development and management must be in the context of the BARMM.

“Planning is very critical in setting the priorities focusing on available resources for strengthened operations”, DG Ebrahim added.

Speakers of the activity included seasoned Real Estate Broker and Appraiser Ernesto Carpio who talked about the ‘Laws that Govern Real Estate’ giving emphasis on BP 220 for socialized and economic housing projects and PD 957 for subdivisions and condominiums.

An interactive pannel discussion was also carried out for clearer explanation of the topic on ‘Land and Environmental Management in Islam’ with Minister Barra, DG Ebrahim, and Aleem Ibrahim Bagumbun as the key speakers.

After accomplishing the expected outputs, the participants will complete the activity that ends on March 20, 2021.