The Ministry of Human Settlements and Development (MHSD) of the BARMM conducted a Coaching Workshop on the Completion of the Draft Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP) for the Local Government Units (LGUs) of the Municipality of Bacolod Kalawi, Province of Lanao del Sur held on January 6-7, 2022, at Crystal Inn, Iligan City.

The coaching session included presentations on CLUP Review, Approval Process, Comments and Recommendations from Housing and Homesite Regulation Officer (HHRO) II Muslima Abusama, assisted by HHRO-III Abdulgafur Casim, HHRO-I Ali Macadaag, HHRO-I Aleyah Pundogar, Project Development Assistant Marjan Saminoden, and Administrative Assistant I Lainiesah Umbaya. The workshop covered Volumes 1, 2 and 3 on CLUP, including Sectoral Studies, Climate and Disaster Risk Assessment (CDRA), and Maps; Existing and Proposed Land Use Maps, and; Zoning Ordinance.

After the integration of all comments, recommendations and amendments of some of the maps, the CLUP draft of the LGU Bacolod Kalawi will be endorsed by the MHSD to the Provincial Land Use Committee (PLUC) for further review.

The activity formally opened with the welcome address from Amer Hussein G. Basher, Municipal Planning and Development Coordinator (MPDC) and Municipal Environment and Natural Resource Officer (MENRO), followed by a message from Municipal Mayor Hon. Nora Lucman Dipatuan.

Along with MPDC Basher, participants from the Municipality of Bacolod Kalawi were Local Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Officer II Amer I. Watamama; Municipal Engineer Alanoden S. Poli; Municipal Assessor Asniah M. Amboloto, and; Human Resource Management Officer Sittie Saphia M. Berowa.