As the first half of 2024 draws to a close, the divisions and sections within the Ministry of Human Settlements and Development, the Housing Arm of the BARMM, convened again to review their progress during the 2nd quarter.

The comprehensive session showcased their achievements and addressed the challenges faced, with insights shared through dedicated reporters at the Conference Room of the MHSD Regional Office, in the Bangsamoro Government Center, Cotabato City, on June 28, 2024.

Building on the momentum of the 1st Quarter Update earlier this year, the Information and Communications Section (ICS) and Internal Planning Section (IPS) under the Office of the Minister, facilitated the activity for enhanced communication, accountability, and to maintain a clear and comprehensive record of progress from each division and section.

The presentations highlighted a significant milestone as the teams collectively achieved nearly half or met precisely half of their annual targets, demonstrating remarkable adaptability and adherence to established plans despite the challenges encountered in the initial quarter. Moreover, a noteworthy observation was the reduced number of new issues compared to the previous update, with the majority successfully resolved.

On the issue of inadequate staff to man increasing workloads, the Human Resource Management Section has assured that the 2025 budget proposal reflects the request for additional staff, with notes on its approval that is up to the Ministry of Finance and Budget and Management.

Presenting their progress with the ICS and IPS were representatives from the Policy Development Coordination and Regulation Division, Housing and Human Settlements Division, Environment, Land Use and Urban Development Division, and the Monitoring and Evaluation Division.

Key representatives from all the divisions and sections of the Ministry were encouraged to regularly document achievements, challenges, and ongoing works, establishing a dynamic and efficient framework, facilitating greater collaboration, informed decision-making, and strategic planning.