Nine of the engineers of the Ministry of Human Settlements and Development, the Housing Arm of the BARMM, attended the 2023 Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers, Inc. (PICE) Midyear National Convention and Technical Conference (NCTC) with the theme “Innovations in Interdisciplinary Approaches to Civil Engineering Challenges”, held at the SMX Convention Center, Seashell Lane, Mall of Asia Complex, Pasay City on June 9-10, 2023.

Led by Engr. Zainodin A. Buisan, Chief of the Planning and Design Division, the MHSD engineers joined Civil Engineers from across the country to earn the continuing professional development units required by Republic Act 10912, also known as the Continuing Professional Development Act of 2016, which is an act mandating and strengthening the continuing professional development program for all regulated professions, creating the continuing professional development council, and appropriating funds therefor, and for other related purposes.

The technical program included topics on the state-of-the-art civil engineering technologies related to the seven specialty divisions of PICE, namely Project Management and Construction Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Structural Engineering, Transportation Engineering, Water Engineering, Environmental and Energy Engineering, and Civil Engineering Education.

The participants from the MHSD also toured the PICE Construction Technologies, Services and Building Materials Exhibit, attended Plenary Sessions, and Technical Tracks.

With Chief Buisan were PDD Engineers Normelyn A. Ibad, Salic C. Pao, Abuhandis B. Kasan, Ameer Baguiore A. Kadil, Borjan T. Gumaga and Norudin G. Lali, as well as Rohaima M. Abas, Engineer II, and Engr. Muslima K. Abusama, Housing and Homesite Regulation Officer of the MHSD Maguindanao Provincial Office.