In celebration of the 4th Bangsamoro Foundation Day this year, the Ministry of Human Settlements and Development joined the BARMM in showcasing the colorful Bangsamoro culture by dressing in cultural attire throughout the flag ceremony for the Governance Day on January 23, 2023 held at the Bangsamoro Government Center, Cotabato City.

Throughout the weeklong celebration, each day will be led by the committees respective committee under the Bangsamoro Economic Development Council (BEDC). The Governance Day, which coincided with the celebrations, was led by the Development Administration Committee, which the MHSD is member of.

The MHSD was also among those that supported the friendship game for peace and unity basketball exhibition match, which invited Bangsamoro players from within the core territories to match against those from the outside, sponsored by DAYA Farm and Adventure. The activity was headed by the Bangsamoro Sports Commission to appeal to the youth through sports.

“Such activities can be included in our call for the Homeowners Associations (HOAs) to support the youth to engage into sports,” said Salem C. Demuna, Director II for Operations and Management, after recounting how the MHSD welcomed the away team.

After the flag ceremony, representatives from the Housing and Human Settlements Division (HHSD), assisted byand from the Environment, Land Use and Urban Development Division (ELUUDD), and Information and Communications Section (ICS) manned the service booth in the BGC’s mega-tent, providesd consultancy services for its Housing Loan Projects, particularly for the MHSD-BARMM Housing Project Phase II in Brgy. Semba, Datu Odin Sinsuat, Maguindanao and its explained its regulatory services that include processes and requirements in application and issuances of locational clearances and licenses.