Officials of the Ministry of Human Settlements and Development, the Housing Arm of the BARMM, discharged the first step to establishing housing development project in Sulu by signing the first-ever Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with the local government of Omar, held at the Conference Room of the MHSD Regional Office, Bangsamoro Government Center, Cotabato City on January 11, 2024.

The Ministry was represented by Deputy Minister Aldin H. Asiri and Director General Esmael W. Ebrahim, with the active participation of Director II for Operations and Management Services Salem C. Demuna, MHSD-Sulu Provincial Director Atty. Najira S. Hassan, Chief of the Planning and Design Division Engr. Zainodin A. Buisan, Legal Officer Atty. Nasihah S. Mamarungcas, and other significant representatives.

On the other hand, officials and representatives all the way from Sulu were Hon. Mayor Abdulbaki J. Ajibon of LGU-Omar with his staff and MHSD-Sulu Provincial Director Atty. Najira S. Hassan.

With funds from the Special Development Fund (SDF) 2020, the project is composed of construction of concrete arch entrance, 50 resettlement housing units, and solar-powered water system level III with details presented by Architect II Samantha Jean E. Wee.

Welcoming all the officials and participants was Director General Esmael W. Ebrahim with his gratitude on behalf of Minister Hamid Aminoddin D. Barra and encouragement to the implementers to ensure the quality and the fastest completion of the housing units.

Deputy Minister Asiri, who also serves as the Focal for the Island Provinces, said the signing was indeed historic as it was the first-ever event this year that marked the commitment of the Ministry and the LGU in ensuring the provision of decent houses to the neediest families in the island provinces.

Hon. Mayor Ajibon extended their gratitude to the BARMM government through the MHSD and said the project is a huge help to the homeless families who are to have concrete and decent houses.

“We are partners in this endeavor to help the families who have been dreaming of having their own houses,” he added.

On the other hand, Provincial Director Hassan remarked that the Ministry, despite being new and is still making name, its commitment has already been felt and seen, and it ensures regular visits to the sites for proper monitoring of the status of projects.

In the coming days, the Ministry will be conducting another MOA Signing event with LGU-Akbar in Basilan.