In the quest for enhanced implementations of core programs and activities, the division and section chiefs and technical employees of the MHSD-BARMM, led by Director General Esmael W. Ebrahim, held an interactive Briefing Session and Workshop with the Department of Human Settlements and Urban Development (DHSUD) on March 10 -12, 2021, held at the DHSUD Regional Office in Koronadal City.

Abdulhamid C. Alawi Jr., Chief of the Housing Regulations and Land Use Services, said the ministry coordinated with its Region 12 counterpart in line with efforts to enhance the processes of the services for the Bangsamoro, and coordinated the briefing sessions that covered all the mandates and processes of each of the department’s divisions.

The session consisted each division’s core personnel, that included the heads and technical staff of each participating division.

Division Heads from the DHSUD-12, namely the Environmental Land Use and Urban Planning Division (ELUUPD), the Housing and Real Estate Development Regulation Division (HREDRD), the Public Housing Service Division (PHSD), and the Homeowners’ Association and Community Development Division (HACDD), gave presentations on how their functions are performed and shared common office forms and templates that are used in serving the clients. During the sessions, Regional Executive Director Jennifer C. Bretaña spoke about the general functions and mandates of the Department of Human Settlements and Urban Development, Engr. Ashley L. Depalubos shared the mandates and processes in the HREDRD, and Assistant Regional Director Jovita G. Solarte delivered the mandates and processes in the ELUUPD.

“Through establishing coordination with the counterparts, the MHSD can develop a more comprehensive framework where it can continue building its quality structure and processes”, Director General Ebrahim remarked.

The MHSD officials and staff were given opportunities to share their experiences and ask relevant questions and they were answered appropriately by the resource speakers from the DHSUD.